About Me
Naomi L. Baum, Ph.D.
Psychologist – Trauma and Resilience
About Me
Naomi L. Baum, Ph.D.
Psychologist – Trauma and Resilience
I am a psychologist and consultant in the field of trauma and resilience building worldwide. In the last two decades I have dedicated myself to creating and implementing resilience-building programs for those exposed to trauma, be it terrorism, war or natural disaster.

I firmly believe that mental health is for everybody, and I am passionate about bringing resilience building skills to wherever they are needed. My unique BRI-Building Resilience Intervention model focuses on strengths and resources has been adopted by schools for teacher training and parent workshops, as well as with police, firefighters, paramedics rabbis, and nurses to help them deal with exposure to trauma. This program has been introduced throughout Israel, as well as Mexico, Spain, Haiti and the USA in the wake of trauma and disaster.
Organizations I work with:
I work with the Center for Mind Body Medicine of Washington, D.C., most recently in their Global PTP Online, and previously in Sonoma County, CA, in the wake of deadly fires. I also facilitate retreats for women coping with cancer under the auspices of Revadim in Israel. I consult with leading Israeli trauma organizations, NATAL and Mahut, as well as with the Israel Trauma Coalition. I am a consultant with the Amit Educational Network on trauma, crisis and resilience building, and work with Ohel Children’s Home and Family Service in Brookly, NY. I directed a two year project building resilience in rural Nepal with Tevel B’Tzedek in the aftermath of the 2015 earthquake. From 2002 – 2014 I was Director of the Resilience Unit at Metiv– The Israel Psychotrauma Center.
Books I have written:
I have written several books and enjoy writing the occasional blog. My debut book, Life Unexpected: A Trauma Psychologist Journeys through Breast Cancer, is based on my personal experience with breast cancer. I have published professional paper on resilience, and published a workbook for children, My Resilience Workbook. My most recent books are My Year of Kaddish: Mourning, Memory and Meaning and ISRESILIENCE: What Israelis Can Teach the World. All books are available on Amazon.
My educational background:
I received my M.A. and Ph.D. from Bryn Mawr College in Bryn Mawr, PA, and my B.A. from Bar-Ilan University, Israel. I was a fellow at the Mandel School for Educational Leadership in Jerusalem, 9th Cohort. I have been a consulting psychologist for schools, and taught courses in psychology at the university level both in the USA and Israel.
Personal info:
While I have accrued many degrees and much work experience, my real understanding of kids and families comes from being married to the same man for more than forty years, and raising, with him, our large and growing family. I live in Efrat, Israel. I have recently added teaching Qigong to my resume., and am currently teaching on Zoom. My hobbies include biking, scuba diving, cooking, slow travel, beer making and wine drinking to name just a few, and grandparenting ranks high on my list of current activities..

My educational background:
I received my M.A. and Ph.D. from Bryn Mawr College in Bryn Mawr, PA, and my B.A. from Bar-Ilan University, Israel. I was a fellow at the Mandel School for Educational Leadership in Jerusalem, 9th Cohort. I have been a consulting psychologist for schools, and taught courses in psychology at the university level both in the USA and Israel.
Personal info:
While I have accrued many degrees and much work experience, my real understanding of kids and families comes from being married to the same man for more than forty years, and raising, with him, our large and growing family. I live in Efrat, Israel. My hobbies include biking, scuba diving, cooking, slow travel, beer making and wine drinking to name just a few, and grandparenting ranks high on my list of current activities..