My Covid-19 Resilience Workbook
This latest edition of the Resilience Workboook can be downloaded for free, for use with elementary school aged children. Parents or teachers can help children navigate the workbook and build resilience during these trying times. Co-created with Tzivy Reiter, LCSW, and published under the auspices of Ohel.
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Free Yourself from Fear: Coping with Coronavirus (2020)
Coronavirus, COVID-19, strikes fear in all of us. Will we catch it? Should we put ourselves in quarantine? Social distance? Will somebody close to us die? What will happen to the world economy? Will there be food on the supermarket shelves? Doomsday scenarios abound. Fear wreaks havoc with our emotions, our behavior and our health. Learn to deal with your fears of Coronavirus to help yourself and those around you in this short and practical book, written by Dr. Naomi L. Baum, an internationally recognized psychologist who lectures, researches and writes about trauma and resilience.
Free Yourself from Fear: Coping with Coronavirus (2020)

Coronavirus, COVID-19, strikes fear in all of us. Will we catch it? Should we put ourselves in quarantine? Social distance? Will somebody close to us die? What will happen to the world economy? Will there be food on the supermarket shelves? Doomsday scenarios abound. Fear wreaks havoc with our emotions, our behavior and our health. Learn to deal with your fears of Coronavirus to help yourself and those around you in this short and practical book, written by Dr. Naomi L. Baum, an internationally recognized psychologist who lectures, researches and writes about trauma and resilience.